RECOMMENDED GEAR LIST 2023: Revel PerformanBe F228Be Floorstanding Loudspeakers
The PerformaBe F328Be speakers take what makes the F228Be so good and dial it up several levels. If you have the physical space to let them breathe, you will be duly rewarded with equal parts refinement, detail, and sheer drive power. My only real caveat is that, according to our measurements, these are actually 4-Ohm speakers, so plan your amplification resources accordingly. At $16,000.00 for a pair, the F328Be has ostensibly taken the place once occupied by the now discontinued Revel Ultima Studio 2. The Revel F228Be at $10,000.00 per pair, is legitimately close to its bigger brother in capability and is realistically more suited to most average-sized listening rooms. Looking a little farther out in the HARMAN field you also have the $15,000.00 JBL 4367 which may be appealing to a slightly different buyer, but I can testify that it follows a similar rationale to its sound and it matches the sheer lung capacity of the F328Be pound for pound. Offering some additional finish choices on the F328Be would also be a nice option at this price point.